Sunday, March 7, 2010

Greetings Internet!

Yup, I finally started a blog where I can spew my ideas on video games, game design, art, and whatever else I think up. It is also the first place that I've used my new pseudonym! I figured my previous one, that I had been using for over 6 years, was representative of my younger years and that I needed to find a new one for professional use. (Plus, my old name consisted of a color, a video game character, and a number, which just screams 90's.)

I'll be using this blog in the near future primarily for blogging about my 4-5 month trip to Japan, where I'll post pictures, travel logs, warstories, etc. I'm not sure how much I'll be using it until then, so you may not hear from me for a while. If you need me, I'll be elsewhere on the internet. Here's where you can find me:
