Monday, January 31, 2011

Global Game Jam: Day 3 + Conclusion

With only about 6 hours left we put (almost) everything together and packaged it into a game. Like usual, scope was an issue with out limited time and resources. Despite lacking some of our desired features, we do have two levels with enemy dodo birds and collectable eggs along with the basic movement of a platformer. The psychology aspect we were hoping for is absent at the moment, but we'll hopefully be able to add it in later.

On the last day I created a few more assets as they were needed, such as a title screen, background image, and "to be continued" screen. Some of the time was more or less wasted because there was more art than tech due to having two artists and one programmer. I wish I could have helped code some of the game but I am still not that familiar with how to make games with flixel. This game jam has definitely sparked my desire to finally buckle down and learn it, though.

Although we submitted an incomplete game to the Global Game Jam site, we will be fixing it up and extending it in the hope to submit it to the Intell AppUp store to win $200. The deadline for submissions is February 28th, so we have a decent amount of time to finish and polish our game. I'll try to post some of my work on the game and our progress in the coming weeks.

And with that, go play our game! You can find it here. You can also play it in your web browser here but probably only for a limited time (as my only storage space may expire tomorrow D:).


  1. Hey dude its on the playable thing on the thing on the global game jam so don't worry dude.


  2. It's playable on the site but if my account is terminated tomorrow it'll go away.

    Also, I mentioned you in the Day 2 post. :P

  3. why would they terminate your gamejam account

  4. Not Game Jam account, my WPI account. The playable version is currently on my toaster/filer.

  5. no its on the gamejam website dog

  6. Look at the page source and tell me where it's embedding from. :P I couldn't find out how to embed straight from the Global Game Jam site.


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