Friday, February 18, 2011

Becoming a Professional

It's about that time now: time to prepare myself for finding post-college employment! To get myself presentable for game companies, I have some main goals:
  • Overhaul my résumé
  • Tweak and fix up my portfolio site
  • Purchase a domain name
  • Find and obtain web hosting
  • Design and print business cards
Other smaller goals are to make more art and games to present on my portfolio and creating a definitive style that is consistent throughout my portfolio, résumé, business cards, etc. Oh, and I'd like to have all of this done by PAX East 2011. I think I've gone long enough feeling like I'm not prepared to get a job and I want to start networking for real! I'll be home for about a week right before PAX, which is good. Then again, Pokémon Black & White come out at the beginning of that week, which might be bad. :D

I've been reading around Darius Kazemi's blog to get hints about writing a résumé for game companies, effective networking, and more. I suggest checking it out! Which reminds me, I've been meaning to put together a post of helpful links for fellow game development students that I've been hoarding in my bookmarks folder. Look for that soon!


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