Day 2: 3/12/11
Saturday was another pretty early morning, since the first panel we wanted to go to was at 10:30AM. We got to the convention center around 9:00AM and got in line at the Wyvern Theatre for "Just Because You Have an Idea, You Are Not a Game Designer." The panelists here were Ichiro Lambe of Dejobaan Games, Chris Oltyan of Dire Wolf Digital, Eitan Glinert of Fire Hose Games, and Scott Macmillan of Macguffin Games (once again). This panel, similar to "I HAVE A GREAT IDEA FOR A GAME!!" from last year's PAX East, consisted of the panelists answering audience-submitted questions and arguing with each other about the right answer. They agreed that having ideas is different from being an actual game designer and that if you want to be a game designer you should go home and actually make games. This panel was not only informative but also very humorous as always.
With little time between the end of the first panel and the start of our next panel, we decided to get in line early and play Pokémon Black & White to pass the time. Next up was "Geek Parenting," a panel about raising kids as a geek parent when your child may or may not share your hobbies and interests. I know, I'm not a parent yet and probably won't be for a while, but it seemed like an interesting panel since me being a geek parent in the future is certain. Although it was fun and interesting (even though we didn't win any of the free stuff they gave away) I had hoped that it would be more about tips for raising your child with geeky-ness rather than just "I play games with my kid sometimes."
Like the day before, we spent some time in the handheld lounge playing Pokémon to pass the time. Since the next event we planned to see was the Saturday night concerts at 8:30PM we spent a decent amount of time relaxing on the bean bags and making progress in Pokémon Black & White. The large number of people playing Pokémon in the lounge was very conducive to using the Entralink function and getting lots of Passing Survey results in Black & White. While we did spend 1 or 2 hours out of 4 free hours we had in the handheld lounge, we felt the need to walk around.
As we walked around and checked updates on the PAX East Twitter page, we figured it wasn't really worth waiting 3 hours in line for the concert, especially if we had to leave halfway through to go home. Luckily, the concert was to be broadcast on TV's around the expo hall and on a projector in a special room. Unluckily, the Omegathon contest of giant Jenga took up most of the time we were there and we could only catch 15 minutes of the music... The time we would have spent waiting in line was put to other uses, though. After eating dinner at the food court we spent some time watching people play Dance Central. The two people that were up when we stopped by were pretty good, but the best dance we saw was by the Minecraft Creeper that got up after them. So, although we missed most of the concert we were able to make good use of our time and have fun before having to go home.
Day 2 is over! How's that happen? We didn't have much planned for the last day of PAX East so we tried to make good use of our final hours of the convention. Day 3 was full of actual game playing on the expo floor, more Pokémon in the handheld lounge, and the end of PAX East 2011!
(Next up, Day 3!)
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