Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Schedules + Me = Lol nope

Apparently I can't work on schedules that I create for myself. Once I plan to do something ahead of time I never want to actually do it when that time arrives... So, new plan: setting goals rather than planning schedules. The basic idea is that I'll have several goals I want to accomplish and each goal has a list of tasks associated with it that I'd like to do in order to complete the goal. Each day I'll pick a task to do from my list of tasks and get closer to finishing the goals. If I'm in the mood to finish a certain task, I can plow through it and get it done rather than not wanting to do it at a different time.

Pros: I'm doing the same tasks at times where I actually feel like working on them rather than planning out tasks in a way I won't want to do them. The same tasks get done but the goals get finished quicker (more efficient). It also allows more freedom and flexibility; tasks can be done whenever as long as they get done (plans/schedules don't explode if I miss a deadline).

Evidence: My website! I decided last week to work on my website and I ended up working on it for several days. I finally have a layout that I like after countless iterations. I wish I still had my old iWeb site from last year to see the progress! (Update: I searched through my backups and found my old sites. You can see what they looked like here and here.) There are some minor things that still bug me (mostly just the colors; they're what I want but seem a little off) but now I'm going to be focusing on pure content going forward. I've learned a bunch about CSS and HTML in the process, especially from http://www.w3schools.com/. You can check it out here: http://chrixeleon.com/ (Comments, suggestions, and criticism welcome!)

Cons: Sometimes I stray off the goals list... I want to get a lot of 2D artwork made and get more experience with designing games in flixel because that's what I want to do: make 2D art and design games. But something about 3D stuff keeps me coming back. I never really liked Maya and don't want to be a 3D animator, but modeling and texturing are things I'm starting to like.

Evidence: I started making a 3D museum in Maya with the goal of putting it into Unity with textures, normals, etc. and making it playable online. It was a quick idea I had about making my portfolio interactive, where you'd walk around this 3D museum and my drawings and paintings would be hanging on the walls (possibly with some 3D models around as statues). So last night I put together a quick model, threw it in Unity with a basic First Person Controller, and that's what I'm doing right now. :D

So that's what I've been up to recently. My goal for this week is to finish up this Unity project and add it to my portfolio. Next week, who knows. I have an unfinished drawing/painting that needs finishing, so I think I'll try to get that done next week. I'll try to remember to update with a final museum and preliminary drawing/painting soon!


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